日本語用FAQ: https://aquatic-paperback-675.notion.site/INTMAX-Wallet-FAQ-JP-f594791f273e437ea3ea79c0c907e870?pvs=4

Do I need Google authentication?

Yes, INTMAX Wallet requires Google authentication for using Google Drive for backups. If you do not have a Google account, please create one.

What is a "Device"?

It refers to the device on which you have opened INTMAX Wallet. Please assign a name to each device. You can use any name you prefer.


Q: I'm using INTMAX Wallet on iPhone's Safari. I also want to use INTMAX Wallet on the same iPhone's Chrome.

A: Please use the same device name.

Q: I'm using INTMAX Wallet on Macbook's Chrome. I want to use INTMAX Wallet on other Macbook's Chrome as well.

A: Please use a different device name.

Does the device need to support passkey authentication?

INTMAX Wallet is a wallet that utilizes passkey authentication. The device you use, including Laptop and mobile devices, needs to support passkey authentication.

How should I remember my password?

<aside> 🔥 Please make sure you never forget your password. It's not recoverable. Also, note that you cannot change the password.


There are various options to remember your password: